Whole30 Day 30

I know my Day 29 post was brief. I didn’t journal that day, just kept track of what I ate and I didn’t even log it in My Fitness Pal. It was a long, tough day and I just wanted to get it over with more than anything. The storm was still going when I went to bed at 1am but fortunately, by the time I got up on the 30th, it was most over.

I hung around and played on my phone for a while, then my husband got the call that he had to go to work. As he was getting ready, I found out that some of the local grocery stores were open so right after he left, I went down to the closest store to pick up a few things. I got eggs, ground beef, and 2 hamburger patties and a few other things as well (coconut milk!!!)

When I got home, our neighbors were outside smoking so I went over to say hi. After some discussion, they decided they wanted to go to the store too but both of their cars were unavailable so I offered to take them. We got some stuff and then went over to the levee to take a peek at what was going on over there. Then we came back home.

I took a shower and called my mom to talk for a while. After that, I went over to my neighbors house for a BBQ which was really nice. They had grilled chicken, fish, steak, etc. Very tasty! I hung out at their house until about 11:30 and then came home because I was tired. I played video games until my husband got home and then went to bed not long after that.


Macadamia nuts
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffee (1 k-cup) with coconut milk


Tanka bites


Mixed green salad with cucumber and tomato and oil and vinegar
Steak and some grilled tilapia

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  no access.


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 31!

Whole30 Day 29


Apple Pie Larabar
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffe (1 k-cup) with coconut milk

Morning Snack:

Dry roasted macadamia nuts
Tanka bites (bison jerky)


Roast beef with mustard
Cucumbers with balsamic vinegar and a little olive oil

Afternoon Snack:



Tanka bites

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  no access.


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 30

Whole30 Day 28

Oh boy, here we go… I am writing this at 5:38 pm (central) and the storm is currently picking up. We had a little power hiccup about 20 minutes ago but it’s back on and seems to be holding for now. We’ve been told that we should expect the storm to make landfall around 1 am. Other than that, it’s mostly been “sit around and wait.”

I woke up around 10:30 this morning and it was drizzling a little. I checked my E-mail, posted an update on facebook, and then started reading my book. I had the carrot cake Larabar for breakfast this morning and it was pretty good. I also had my usual coffee with coconut milk. Then I just hung around waiting…

At about 12:30, I checked facebook again and responded to some comments. In the process, I noticed that Reginelli’s, a local pizzeria, was open for lunch. This was good because I was very hungry and not for anything we have laying around the house. I called in a to-go order and then headed out. It took a long time to get our food but that was only because they were the only place open and were PACKED. I got a pepperoni pizza for my husband and a green salad with tomatoes and grilled chicken for myself. I was pretty excited – I love their salad. They have an awesome balsamic dressing that is to DIE for!

We ate, then my husband started playing video games (got to get it in before the power goes out!), and I started messing around on facebook, mostly playing with timeline and uploading pictures. Then I started reading which is pretty much what I’ve been doing the rest of the day. I had some salad for leftovers and that’s about it…

Now we are waiting to see what is going to happen with the storm. For right now we still have power and things are alright but we expect conditions to get worse overnight. I’ll post again when I can.


Carrot Cake Larabar
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffe (1 k-cup) with coconut milk

Morning Snack:

Dry roasted macadamia nuts
Tanka bites (bison jerky)


LARGE green salad with tomatoes and grilled chicken, balsamic dressing

Afternoon Snack:

Dried pineapple


More salad with some cucumber and avocado

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  1586 calories and a macro breakdown of 85/96/79 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 29

Whole30 Day 27

Note: We are currently making preparations for the arrival of Hurricane Isaac and hoping for a best case scenario. At this time, we are not planning to leave our home but that may change depending on circumstances. This means I likely will not be blogging much over the next few days. I will be journaling so I will post updates when I can but if I go MIA for a bit, that’s why.

I got a text late last night letting me know work was closed (probably for the whole week) and that I didn’t need to come in so I was up late and then slept late this morning. We went to the grocery store for water and few other assorted goodies, then came home and took inventory of our stuff.

I also made myself an omelet with our 4 remaining eggs and some onion, spinach, and tomatoes. I added half an avocado and some jalapenos for good measure. It was more lunch than breakfast but oh well!

After that, I hung out for a bit and texted back and forth with a few friends before heading off to Whole Foods to find some Paleo friendly snacks. I got some macadamia nuts, coconut chips, some buffalo jerky with no added sugar, and I also purchased some Larabars. I know some people are anti-Larabars but the ingredients are: dates, almonds, and unsweetened cherries. That’s it! They are gluten free, diary free, soy free, non-GMO, vegan, and kosher. I don’t plan on making them a staple of my diet, they’re just something I can eat in an emergency – a hurricane is an emergency y’all!!!

Then I made some more of my pina colada pops and put them in the freezer. They will be good for cooling down if the power goes out and they are so tasty! I hade more than would fit in my popsicle molds so I added some crushed ice to the remaining mix, blended it up, and wham – smoothie! It was pretty good, even my husband had some!

Afterward, I was feeling kinda tired and icky so I took a little nap and then spent some time getting things ready for the storm. My husband made chicken soup for dinner which was good but filling. Now I’m just hanging out reading a book while he plays video games.


Slept through!

Morning Snack:

Slept through!


4 egg omelet with spinach, onions, and tomatoes (also pickled jalapenos on top)
1/2 avocado sliced
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee Coffee K-cup with coconut milk

Afternoon Snack:

Pina Colada smoothie


Chicken soup my husband made from scratch: chicken stock, chicken thigh meat, broccoli, celery, carrots, and onion.
1 Pina Colada pop

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  1190 calories and a macro breakdown of 97/45/48 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 28

Whole30 Day 26

Day 26 sucked. I woke up knowing that we were under threat from Tropical Storm Isaac (likely to become a hurricane) and I needed to do some minor preparations but also to evaluate the situation and figure out what we needed to do re:evacuation. My husband had to go to work so I dropped him off and then went to the grocery store where I managed to grab the last two 6-packs of water (SmartWater but still, water) and then a little bit of produce.

I had a major stress headache by that point so I went to McDonalds with the intent of grabbing a double quarter pounder minus bun, cheese, and condiments and an unsweet tea. They were really confused by my order but it looked right on the screen so I drove forward, paid and then went home. When I finally got all of the groceries unpacked and sat down to eat my lunch, I opened the bag and realized they’d given me the wrong order.

Now if it had been a cheeseburger or something like that I could have scraped off the cheese etc and made do but of course that’s not what happened. I had a super-size fry and a 10-piece chicken nugget. I can’t remotely eat any of that. I was so frustrated that I wanted to go back but I decided that it was probably someone trying to tell me something (like eating McDonalds is a shitty idea!) so I just gave up. I snacked on some almonds and blueberries then took something for my headache and took a nap.

The rest of the day I spent playing the Sims and watching TrueBlood. My headache never did go away and it’s still hanging around now. Soooo annoying.


3 fried eggs
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffe (1 k-cup) with coconut milk


almonds and blackberries


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 27

Whole30 Day 25

Yesterday was pretty boring. I spent almost all day at home either working on stuff for my job or cleaning. I worked out in the evening (FIRE 55 EZ) so that was good but otherwise, very boring. Really, there’s not much going on around here aside from watching the weather channel and trying to figure out where this stupid storm is going to go.


2 fried eggs
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffe (1 k-cup) with coconut milk

Morning Snack:

Dry roasted macadamia nuts


Grilled mahi mahi
Baked sweet potato
Steamed mixed veggies
Iced tea with lemon


Seared ahi tuna steak
Side salad with oil and vinegar

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  1257 calories and a macro breakdown of 61/69/34 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 26

Whole30 Day 24

Day 24 was interesting. I woke up earlier than I wanted but that gave me time to make breakfast before supervision so I can’t complain too much. After I ate, I met with my supervisor which is always good then I came home with the intent of getting some work done around the house. My husband was sleeping so I didn’t want to make too much noise. After about 20 minutes of working on stuff, I started playing the Sims for a while.

My husband got up around 1 or 2 and told me he had decided not to go to work for the day. He started playing video games and I got a bit of a headache so I decided to take a nap. I thought for sure it would be no more than an hour or so but I ended up sleeping until 6:30 (3.5 hour nap!!) And when I woke up… I was craving all things carbs (especially the junky kind). I wanted Cheez-Its, cereal, pancakes… It was bad – some of the worst cravings I’ve had during the whole month.

Fortunately, my husband made dinner and then I was fine. Steak will cure all your ills, lol.

We spent the rest of the evening hanging out, playing video games, and watching videos. I missed my workout because of my nap but I’m okay with that. I’ll get back into the workout groove today 🙂


2 fried eggs
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffe (1 k-cup) with coconut milk

Morning Snack:

Blackberries and almonds


none – I had a late morning snack and then my nap kinda took over the rest of the afternoon so no lunch 😛


Grilled flank steak
Steamed green beans
Lime Perrier

Evening Snack:

Kiwi fruit
Coffee with coconut milk

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  1233 calories and a macro breakdown of 51/78/70 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 25

Paleo Giveaway

Okay, so  I know I’m still behind on my Whole30 daily blogs but I wanted to stop to tell you guys about this AWESOME giveaway I found at Toadally Primal. This is seriously one of the biggest giveaways I’ve ever seen with over $1200 of stuff!

That’s a lot of stuff so I’m not going to list it all out (besides you can see everything here!!) but here are some of the highlights:

1. Nom Nom Paleo App (and socks!!)
2. Magazines
3. A ton of awesome Paleo cookbooks
4. Paleo guides to help you get started, go shopping, etc.
5. Awesome food gift cards!

Seriously, I don’t know if you can get better than this for an all around Paleo Package!

So I just wanted to share my excitement and pass on the word in case any of you were interested. For more information (including how to enter) visit Todally Primal at this link:  http://primaltoad.com/epic-giveaway/

Whole30 Day 23


3.5 scrambled eggs
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffe (1 k-cup) with coconut milk


Spinach salad with strawberries, almonds, and homemade balsamic vinaigrette


Grilled salmon
Steamed broccoli
Sweet potato
Lime Perrier

Evening Snack:

Mixed berries
Coffee with coconut milk

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  1461 calories and a macro breakdown of 95/76/85 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 24

Whole30 Day 22


2 fried eggs
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffe (1 k-cup) with coconut milk


Homemade taco salad with ground beef, peppers, olives, avocado, onion, and tomatoes.
Lime Perrier


3 fried eggs
Green beans sauteed in olive oil and garlic
La Croix Natural Coconut Flavored Sparkling Water

Evening Snack:

Paleo Pina Colada Popsicle (coconut milk, pineapple, banana, vanilla blended and frozen)

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  1381 calories and a macro breakdown of 64/68/72 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 23