Whole30 Day 16

When I woke up this morning, my shoulders and neck were so tense it hurt to move. I think I hit the snooze button at least three times before I finally dragged myself out of bed. Because of my extreme soreness (in my thighs and glutes as well!) I opted to skip my workout this morning. I decided that if I felt up to it after work, I would go for it but otherwise, I was going to let it slide. The last thing I need right now is an injury.

I made breakfast – 2 fried eggs and a slice of ham and then got dressed and ready. Before I ran out the door, I made myself some coffee with coconut milk “to go” and I was off. By the time I got to work, I was awake and in a decent mood.

The day went by slowly at first but then picked up. I had a lot of appointments so I was really busy. At lunch, I had the last of my gazpacho while my co-workers ordered sushi (I was a little envious of that!) and then I had a slice of watermelon.

In the afternoon, I had some cherries and almonds for a snack and then finished up my day with 2 late appointments.

On the way home, I stopped at the store and picked up 2 more cans of organic coconut milk and some more eggs and then I made myself breakfast for dinner… Literally, I had the exact same thing I did this morning! I know that’s not good for diversity in the diet however I was tired, cranky, and sore and it was a quick go to so I went for it. Later on, I had some sliced olives as well.

Due to the continued soreness, I decided not to go forward with the workout. I am hoping I’m back up to speed tomorrow but we shall see. My husband is spending the night in Baton Rouge with his father who is in the hospital so I’m on my own tonight. It makes me sad but I’ll deal. I plan on watching a movie on amazon and then getting to bed early. I don’t have to work tomorrow but I do have supervision so I have to be up at a decent hour.

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  1066 calories and a macro breakdown of 48/75/57 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 17

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