Whole30 Day 18

Alright, I’m back and in the process of trying to catch up on updates. Even when I can’t find the time to blog, I still log all my meals via My Fitness Pal so I have a record of what I’ve been eating. But before I get back into the Whole30, I feel like I owe you an explanation as to why I disappeared for a week.

On Saturday morning, my husband woke up to find he had missed a call from his step-mother. He listened to the message and called her back, then came back with tears in his eyes. He said his father’s doctor told them he possibly had “less than 24 hours left” and that he needed to get there ASAP. He jumped in the shower and we threw some stuff in a bag, then we hit the road to Baton Rouge. We spent all Saturday and most of Sunday up there, then I came back because I had work. He ended up  passing away on Wednesday evening.

Needless to say it’s been a hellish week of little sleep and lots of stress. It would have been the perfect time to say “fuck it” and just go all out, eating whatever whenever.

BUT I DIDN’T! I stuck with it through everything! I’m so proud of myself! I’m such an emotional eater that in the past, any and every problem, issue, hardship was a reason to pig out. I won’t say there wasn’t temptation, I won’t say I didn’t think about it, but honestly – I DIDN’T EVEN COME CLOSE to actually doing it!

Anyway, here are my meals from Saturday, August 18th:


2 ham and egg cups
1 kiwi
Gloria Jean’s Hazelnut coffee (1 k-cup) with coconut milk


Grilled chicken breast
Steamed broccoli


2 fried eggs
Fruit cup

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  968 calories and a macro breakdown of 46/60/67 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 19

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  1. Pingback: Whole30 Day 17 | Here We Go, Paleo!

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