Whole30 Day 28

Oh boy, here we go… I am writing this at 5:38 pm (central) and the storm is currently picking up. We had a little power hiccup about 20 minutes ago but it’s back on and seems to be holding for now. We’ve been told that we should expect the storm to make landfall around 1 am. Other than that, it’s mostly been “sit around and wait.”

I woke up around 10:30 this morning and it was drizzling a little. I checked my E-mail, posted an update on facebook, and then started reading my book. I had the carrot cake Larabar for breakfast this morning and it was pretty good. I also had my usual coffee with coconut milk. Then I just hung around waiting…

At about 12:30, I checked facebook again and responded to some comments. In the process, I noticed that Reginelli’s, a local pizzeria, was open for lunch. This was good because I was very hungry and not for anything we have laying around the house. I called in a to-go order and then headed out. It took a long time to get our food but that was only because they were the only place open and were PACKED. I got a pepperoni pizza for my husband and a green salad with tomatoes and grilled chicken for myself. I was pretty excited – I love their salad. They have an awesome balsamic dressing that is to DIE for!

We ate, then my husband started playing video games (got to get it in before the power goes out!), and I started messing around on facebook, mostly playing with timeline and uploading pictures. Then I started reading which is pretty much what I’ve been doing the rest of the day. I had some salad for leftovers and that’s about it…

Now we are waiting to see what is going to happen with the storm. For right now we still have power and things are alright but we expect conditions to get worse overnight. I’ll post again when I can.


Carrot Cake Larabar
Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee coffe (1 k-cup) with coconut milk

Morning Snack:

Dry roasted macadamia nuts
Tanka bites (bison jerky)


LARGE green salad with tomatoes and grilled chicken, balsamic dressing

Afternoon Snack:

Dried pineapple


More salad with some cucumber and avocado

My Fitness Pal Breakdown:  1586 calories and a macro breakdown of 85/96/79 (carbs/fat/protein).


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!”- Whole30 Day 29

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  1. Pingback: Whole30 Day 27 | Here We Go, Paleo!

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