Whole30 – Break Time

Don’t worry, I’m not taking a break from the Whole30, I’m just taking a break from blogging. I’ve got about a million things going on right now and even thinking about blogging is causing me so much stress that I think it’s necessary to take a break.

I’m also coming down with something (hopefully not the flu) and I leave tomorrow to go to L.A. for 3 days of training for a new program. So in the interest in self-care, I will not be daily blogging the rest of my Whole30.

I will, however, update once it ends and I will include any notables that occurred during that time (including my dining out escapades in L.A.), my results, and my thoughts on this Whole30. I also plan to continue blogging post Whole30. At that time, I will be doing the reintroduction portion starting with dairy.

I apologize for the break but stay tuned because I will be back! ๐Ÿ™‚

Whole30 Day 19

This morning was quite an ordeal. My alarm went off but I didn’t want to get up (a side-effect of my medication). Once I finally got up and got in the shower, I realized I didn’t have enough time for a proper breakfast. Oops!

I ended up grabbing a hard-boiled egg and a banana to go along with my usual coffee and coconut milk and I ate in the car. Talk about fast food!

Lunch was chicken fajita leftovers over a bed of raw spinach and a heaping side of my new favorite salsa. For my afternoon snack, I had a bunch of macadamia nuts and a few Brazil nuts as well.

Dinner… was last minute and improvised because I was hungry and tired. I ended up with a spinach salad with cucumber, oil and vinegar, and my last 2 hard-boiled eggs. I wasn’t all that happy about it but I was too tired and lazy to cook anything after my long day at work and I really need to make a grocery store run.

In the good news category, tomorrow is day 20 which means only 10 days to go!

Whole30 Day 18

Okay, so after I promised to catch up and stick with blogging, we had some internet issues and I was unable to get wordpress working on my phone o.O. Sorry :/ I hopefully have all of that taken care of now so we should be all good ::crosses fingers::

In other news, today is Day 18 and it’s also Martin Luther King Jr. Day so I am off of work. My husband is not so he was up and out the door bright and early while I slept in until almost noon. Oops!

When I finally got up, I scrambled 3 eggs for breakfast. I also ate a banana and had my usual coffee with coconut milk. Then I started playing The Sims for a while.

I had originally planned to eat lunch around 3 or 4 but I wasn’t really hungry until 5 so I waited and then heated up some leftover fajitas on a bed of spinach and had some raw baby carrots as a side. This means dinner was pushed back and I wasn’t terribly hungry so instead of a full meal, I ate a bunch of snacks: boiled eggs, carrots and salsa, a celery stick with almond butter, etc.

Not all that entertaining, but it happens sometimes.

Tomorrow I am back to work so we’ll see how that all shapes up!

Whole30 Day 15

I woke up early today (probably because I crashed out early last night) and so after tossing and turning for about 30 minutes, I got up and went to the grocery store. I stocked up on some of the things we were out of and then came back home and unloaded the car. I played on the internet for a bit (breakfast was a larabar today because I didn’t have anything in the house) and then fell back asleep until about noon.

I had a spinach salad for lunch which was quite tasty.

In the afternoon, I took my husband to work and then came home and started making oven baked fajitas but I soon realized that we only had a sliver of bell pepper. ARGH! So it was back to the store again for bell peppers and some olives and a cucumber.

The fajitas came out fabulous (once we had bell pepper!) and I ate them sans tortilla (of course) with some sliced black olives and half an avocado on the top. It was so good I ate two plates!

Later on in the evening, I wanted a snack so I made some coconut milk whipped cream and cut up some strawberries to go with it. It was wonderful. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now I’m thinking about watching a movie or maybe taking a nap. Whole30 Day 15, over and out!


Hi There!

Hi, remember me? The blogger that promised to blog every day of her Whole30?

Erm, yeah – that obvious hasn’t happened. Please, let me explain…

The last day I blogged was Day 3. I was feeling the hangover majorly and had a touch of “kill all the things” as well. The next few days passed in a low-carb flu haze and work was busy so I forgot to blog. Then I got sick.

This did not happen my first Whole30 and I don’t know why it happened this time but I woke up last Thursday (about 3am) with the migraine from hell. I took my medicine, I took other medicine, but nothing worked. It was awful. And it lasted until about Sunday afternoon.

So, I couldn’t blog those days and then just kinda forgot until today when I was like “oh, shit – my blog!”

Oops ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

So I’m back and I’m sorry. I won’t be back blogging the days I missed, mostly because they have passed in a blur and I just don’t have the time – but I will be blogging from here forward. Thankfully I’m feeling better (and hoping that will hold!) so I think I can commit to that for real this time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Whole30 Day 3

I’m still in what I call “the sleeping phase” of the Whole30. Starting on Day 2 and lasting through about Day 7 or 8, I tend to sleep A LOT. This means that I’m not only getting up later, I’m also taking naps in the afternoon a lot and feeling sleepy when I’m trying to get things done. It’s a frustrating time, especially on the days I’m at work, but fighting through it means I get to the good part eventually!

If this is your first Whole30 you may be tempted to give up. Hell, this is my 2nd (well, 2.5 if you count the one I messed up a few months ago ;)) and I’M tempted to give up! But if you stick it out, you should see some results after about day 8 or so. Things start changing and it really does get better. In the pit of the hangover, that’s hard to believe but when you reach the Tiger Blood portion, you understand the low is worth it because the high is SO HIGH!

Anyway (I also ramble a lot during this period :P), today I slept in until noon, then got up and had a lazy breakfast before taking my husband to work and going to Whole Foods to pick up a few things. This was poorly planned on my part. I’m used to dropping my husband off at work on Sundays and then going shopping during the Saints’ game while most New Orleanians are at home glued to their TV sets. I failed to take into consideration that the season is over and, unfortunately, the Saints didn’t make the playoffs so there was no football distraction to keep people away from where I wanted to shop.


Whole Foods was insanely packed. People were fighting for parking spaces and yelling at each other and it took all I had not to just drive home. I finally found a parking space only to have a lady in a Mercedes almost hit me as she started backing out (she was in the space next to the one I was parking in) and so she had to swear at me for a few minutes. As she drove off, I took note of her “Keep Christ in Christmas” bumper sticker and smirked. Hmm, where is all that Christian sentiment now? ANYWAY – BACK ON TOPIC!

Of course, this parking spot was NOWHERE NEAR the entrance to the store – problematic for a person with a bootie on one foot and a pronounced limp (though I got my stitches out on Friday I still have to be very careful because movement can be painful). Not fun. Especially when someone runs over your foot with a cart in the hurry to get in front of your “slow ass.”

Yes, it’s a lovely day in New Orleans. Did I mention it was raining?

Anyway, after some slight swearing, I managed to get inside the store which was mass chaos. I spent about 10 minutes trying to find the Brazil nuts (great source ofย selenium!) which was confusing because they have so many different kinds of nuts, granola, etc. I ended up with more than I wanted but that’s okay. I also grabbed some macadamia nuts and then I went off in search of the Thai Kitchen full-fat coconut milk (MY FAVORITE!) It was not on the aisle by the other coconut milk. Instead, they put it on the “ethnic” aisle. I’m guessing this is because it says “Thai” on the label? Whatever, I found it. Then I had to go all the way back to the other side of the store because I forgot that’s where they keep the uncured ham.

Surprisingly, after all that there was only one person in front of me in the check out line. Thank god – I was so ready to get out of there! I checked out and then headed home (after a quick stop for gas).

Once at home, I started prepping for my lunch – a crustless quiche. I was originally going to make a frittata, however I realized this morning that all our skillets have rubber on the handles so none of them are oven safe. It was easy to transition the frittata idea to a crustless quiche – it’s very similar. As the oven preheated, I chopped half an onion and some fresh spinach and then diced some of the ham I bought at Whole Foods. I whisked together 5 eggs, 1/2 cup coconut milk, and 1/2 tsp of baking powder in a bowl, then stirred in the goodies. The oven wasn’t quite heated yet so I took some coconut oil and greased my cake pan. I was just washing my hands when it started beeping to let me know it was done. I poured the mixture in the bowl and then popped it in the oven and set the timer for 30 minutes.

While I waited for the timer to go off, I collected towels and put them in the washer and then played around on the internet for a bit. When the timer first went off, the quiche still looked a little light so I left it for another 8-10 minutes until it started getting brown on the edges. I could hardly wait to eat it! As soon as it was out of the oven, I cut it into 8 slices and immediately scooped 2 onto a plate. It was a little loose but I didn’t really care because it tasted FABULOUS! I originally planned on eating some for breakfast but at this rate, I may have it for dinner and then there might not be any left after that! Nom nom!

Okay, now it’s 9pm and I can officially say I had quiche for dinner and it was delicious! It was not my intention to eat the whole thing in one day but… oops… At least it was Whole30 compliant and yummy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Whole30 Day 2

Well, the hangover has begun – I can barely keep my eyes open to write this post! UGH!

Just as it happened last time, my Whole30 Hangover is in full effect on Day 2 and I’m feeling miserable. I slept in late this morning and then ate breakfast (Check!), then just hung around the house most of the day. I even took a 4 hour nap this afternoon! Oops :/ But at least the day is almost over and hopefully I will feel better by Monday. Otherwise, it’s going to be an interesting week!


3 eggs, scrambled in coconut oil
1 banana
1 cup of coffee with coconut milk (Butter Toffee K-Cup by Gloria Jean’s – MY FAVORITE!)


Leftover taco meat with lots of olives and some avocado.


Leftover beef stew

Whole30 Day 1

Okay, I know I said that I was going to start the Whole30 on January 1st, however because of my surgery and being unable to drive (and my husband having to work) I was unable to get to the grocery store. This made it very difficult to comply with Whole30 restrictions so I just bumped it back until Friday, January 4th when I would have transportation AND money.

Anyway, aside from the push back, the first day was a bit wonky. I had a lot to do including going to a funeral (and the following reception). I managed to oversleep so I skipped breakfast and then I didn’t have enough time to eat lunch. Once I got to the funeral reception, there was all kinds of food to be had… Most of it NON Whole30 compliant of course. I stuck to drinking water and then discovered after asking several questions that I could have some hard boiled eggs (leftovers from making deviled eggs) and that the meatballs were okay too. Hey, at least I tried instead of just giving up! So that was “lunch.”

By the time I got home, my foot was killing me so I took a pain pill and crawled into bed… Only to wake up 2 hours later to my husband telling me we could eat.

For dinner, my sweet husband made a beef stew with just beef and veggies and stock (no potatoes or noodles, etc). We also had a simple salad of romaine hearts and shredded carrots. He had a creamy dressing on his salad, I simply added a bit of balsamic vinegar to mine. Yum!

I also had a cup of tea after dinner to soothe a slight headache (probably from the meds) and that was it for the day. I know, not ideal but I made it through!