Whole30 Day 15

I woke up early today (probably because I crashed out early last night) and so after tossing and turning for about 30 minutes, I got up and went to the grocery store. I stocked up on some of the things we were out of and then came back home and unloaded the car. I played on the internet for a bit (breakfast was a larabar today because I didn’t have anything in the house) and then fell back asleep until about noon.

I had a spinach salad for lunch which was quite tasty.

In the afternoon, I took my husband to work and then came home and started making oven baked fajitas but I soon realized that we only had a sliver of bell pepper. ARGH! So it was back to the store again for bell peppers and some olives and a cucumber.

The fajitas came out fabulous (once we had bell pepper!) and I ate them sans tortilla (of course) with some sliced black olives and half an avocado on the top. It was so good I ate two plates!

Later on in the evening, I wanted a snack so I made some coconut milk whipped cream and cut up some strawberries to go with it. It was wonderful. 🙂 Now I’m thinking about watching a movie or maybe taking a nap. Whole30 Day 15, over and out!


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