Whole30 Complete!

I have completed the Whole30 for the second time! I’m excited and happy, moreso about my results than anything else.

This time around, I lost 13 pounds – 13 POUNDS! and a total of 12.5 inches over my whole body! I’m so proud and happy with these results. I also feel pretty good, especially considering that I have a bad upper respiratory infection right now. Oh well, can’t win them all!

My plan from here is to start the reintroduction schedule. I will start with dairy, then non-gluten grains, and then legumes. I know that gluten is included on the official Whole30 reintroduction schedule but I don’t plan on reintroducing gluten so I’m skipping it. The more time goes on, the more I realize that gluten is a major problem in my life, Celiac diagnosis or no.

Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying I’ll never have gluten again. In fact, I may have a slice of pizza tonight. But gluten (and other non-Paleo stuff) will be an occasional thing – I plan to stay 90% Paleo from here on out.

Anyway, that’s my post-Whole30 update. Now I’ve got to go get ready for work. I expect it to be a very crazy day. I’ll be back soon!

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