Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Week 1

Today was day 6 of my first week of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I know this is a bit of a change up – I’m a TurboFire addict and that’s usually my go to workout, however I got JMBR as a gift so I thought I’d check it out.

JMBR is broken down into three phases with each phase lasting 4 weeks. During each week, you will do two strength workouts twice each, and a cardio workout twice as well. This is rotated over a 6 day period so you have enough time for your muscles to recover before you are working them again. So this week, I did strength workout 1 on Monday, strength workout 2 on Tuesday, cardio on Wednesday, and then repeated the cycle again. Sundays are your rest day to allow for recovery. Week 2 will be the same schedule as this week and then on week 3, I will switch to strength workouts 3 and 4 and use the same cardio workout. Pretty simple, and it’s even packaged by phase so you don’t have to worry about shuffling through a pile of DVDs.

As far as results are concerned, it’s only been a week and I haven’t really seen any direct results (no change on the scale this week and I haven’t increased my lift or anything) but the workouts kick my butt! I love that they are only 30 minutes so it’s easy to get them in before I get ready for work. I am assuming that things will get MUCH harder as the program goes on which makes me a bit nervous. Things aren’t crazy now, but I was super sore after my first two days (and semi-sore today!)

I also have to say that I like Jillian much more in this DVD series (well, at least the first week) than I did in some of the others. I understand she’s supposed to be “America’s Toughest Trainer” but I find some of her comments off-putting and frustrating. On these DVDs she gives a little bit of tough love but seems more supportive and has some ::gasp:: nice things to say! I appreciate that a lot and I hope that trend continues;.


My only concern with the program right now is that I think I may get bored with doing the same cardio DVD for a whole month so I might rotate in another Jillian DVD or perhaps one of my TurboFire workouts. Either way, I’ll be back to let you know how it goes!

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