Jillian Michael’s Body Revolution Week 2

I realized this afternoon that I never came back and updated with my week 2 review of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution so I’m here to remedy that problem. Then I fully plan on eating dinner and passing out because DST has really messed with my body and my brain and I’m completely exhausted!

Week 2 was the same workout schedule as week 1, I just tried to do more reps or use heavier weight or do the more advanced versions of the exercises. I was feeling pretty good about myself because I was doing well with the workouts (with the exception of Saturday). I weighed again on Friday and, like week 1, there was no movement on the scale. However, I feel a lot stronger and I’ve noticed my endurance is better so I think I must be building muscle. I usually gain a bit before I lose when I’m lifting so I’m not scared. 🙂

I took a break on Sunday (scheduled rest day), then overslept on Monday and missed my workout. It really upset me because that was the start of week 3 and a new set of strength workouts. I fully intended to come home and get my workout in but it didn’t happen because I was so out of whack from the time change. Instead, I started Week 3 yesterday (on Tuesday) and I won’t have a rest day on Sunday. Problem solved!

Anyway, yesterday I started with workout 3 for week 3 and I was thinking I should be fine. Um, no. I thought I was going to die. The stamina I thought I’d gained was totally missing and at one point, I only did 2-3 reps of some of the exercises. It was a bummer 😦 BUT it goes to show how this is a progressive program and things only get more intense. Today was a little better but still rough. I’m curious to see how I do on Friday!

Another thing I’m struggling with right now is my food intake. I use myfitnesspal to log food and to set my intake goals. Recently, a friend suggested to me that I should increase my caloric intake to my BMR minus 20%. I’m considering it but because I work a desk-type job, I’m afraid I will be taking in too many calories. I’m doing more research and looking at my average burns (from my BodyMedia unit) before I make a decision. I’ll let you guys know what I decide!


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