Jillian Michaels Body Revolution – Week 5

So today I realized I wrote this recap post on Sunday but only saved it as a draft and never officially posted it. Oops, my bad 😦 I need to get better at this blogging thing.


Week 5 of JMBR has wrapped and I am freaking sore. This week I entered Phase 2 and while I was excited, I was also scared… For good reason. The exercises are more intense and there are now supersets.

Yes, so Jillian has you work a muscle(s) until you think you are going to die and then you turn around and do another exercise that works the same muscle(s). O-M-G. At one point, I was in a static sumo squat and I thought I was going to die. Ow.

I (again) had difficulty getting in my workout on Wednesday so I combined and did FIRE 55 EZ for cardio on Saturday because that just made my life easier. That means I haven’t tried Cardio 2 yet but hopefully I will next week. Otherwise, I don’t have much else to say right now. I’ll be back soon!

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