
Hi, I’m Erin – welcome to my blog “Paleorific!” I am a mental health counselor and I live in New Orleans, Louisiana with my husband, Jake, and our 3 kids cats Kumo, Mal, and Lynx. When I’m not working, spending time with my husband, or sleeping you can usually find me curled up in bed with my cats and a good book.

This blog came about as a result of many years of frustration. Since the age of 12, I’ve been plagued with unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms that my doctors could not explain. At first I was told it had to do with my coming of age and then it was simply dismissed as “stress-based illness.” In December of 2007, my younger sister was found to be vitamin deficient and malnourished. After a quick endoscopy, she was diagnosed with Celiac disease. I thought I’d found the answer to my prayers, however my biopsy was negative for Celiac and the doctors just said “it’s IBS” and dismissed my misery.

Recently, I was introduced to the paleo diet by a friend that had similar problems. Within a month of going paleo she was 99% symptom free and had much better energy, etc. After doing some research on paleo diets, etc. I decided that it was time to give it a try. This blog is intended to chronicle my journey as I “Go Paleo.” It is my hope that others will find it to be helpful when they are doing the same.

Please note:  I am NOT a medical professional, I do not have any training in nutrition, and any information in this blog should NOT be considered medical/nutritional advice!

1 thought on “About

  1. Hi! I’m Sue, and I’m from SlimKicker, a diet/fitness app and website. I saw your blog yesterday and it captured my interest!

    I’m contacting you b/c we’re about to release a fitness tracker (similar to FitBit) early next year, and are looking for bloggers who would be interested in getting 1 for free to review when it is out (negative or positive).

    Would you be interested in doing this? You can email me at: sue (at) slimkicker (com) with ‘Review’ in the email heading if you are.

    A brief explanation of who we are, our website SlimKicker basically turns your diet/fitness goals into a level-up RPG game. The tracker will work with the website, and allow people to track calories burned and number of steps they walk automatically. The more they exercise, the more points they rack up! That’s basically how it will work.

    Anyway, hope to hear back either way…

    – Sue
    P.S. You can choose not to display this comment as this is more of a private comment 🙂

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