Injured… AGAIN.

I am so very frustrated right now. I am injured AGAIN and now I’m on a mandated rest period (at least one week) and treatment with medication and heat. I know that sounds really ungrateful because I should be glad that my injury is not that serious and I can get better. But the reason I am frustrated is that it seems like I keep getting injured and as soon as I get on a roll with things and get better, it happens again.

ARGH! Hopefully this will be better soon but who knows 😦

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution – Week 4

Well, week 4 ended up a complete bust. It started out semi-okay but on Wednedsay, I woke up with a sharp pain in my shoulder that went up into my neck. I could barely turn my head and even with Aleve, the pain didn’t really stop. I wanted to push through but with that kind of pain, I had to check myself before I wrecked myself.

I spent the rest of the week resting and applying heat and dosing myself with ibuprofen and Aleve. I went to the doctor to make sure it wasn’t a serious injury. I spent about 4 hours waiting to be seen, and $50 (my copay) to be told it was a mild pull/strain and to “rest and apply heat.” -_- So that’s what I did all week. Boring Week 4 update, I know. But now I am in the middle of Week 5 (Phase 2!) which is kicking my butt but I’m enjoying it.

Otherwise, things are boring around here. I’m thinking of starting the 21 Day Sugar Detox on Monday but haven’t decided for sure yet. I need to go grocery shopping and plan some meals for the upcoming week so maybe if I can work it into that, I’ll do it. I dunno. For sure tomorrow I will be making PaleoPot’s Hungry Man Casserole because it sounds delicious and I need something I can freeze for those “oh crap, what do I eat” moments (because I seem to have a lot of them lately.

I think that’s it for now – I’ll update on Sunday with my Week 5 recap of JMBR and what I decided about the 21DSD.

Have a great weekend, everyone!