Weekly Plan for 9/3/12 – 9/9/12

Okay, so I planned to post this earlier in the day but things got crazy so I’m a little late. I spent most of the day with my husband running errands. Since we’ve been home, he’s mostly been doing housework and I’ve been trying to come up with meal plans and get my week scheduled. Usually I do this on Sundays but because today was Labor Day, my schedule is completely off!

I was able to get up and make myself some yummy breakfast – fried eggs, coffee with coconut milk, and a fresh nectarine. We ended up going out for lunch and had Lebanese food. I got the chicken shawarma plate with a side salad and some stuffed grape leaves for an appetizer. Yum! I am totally learning how to make this stuff at home because I probably could eat it once a week!

For dinner tonight my husband is making a Thai coconut curry soup/stew type dish. I have no doubt that it will be fantastic (and hopefully spicy!) That pretty much covers today – I missed my workout but I’ll make it up on Wednesday 🙂

The rest of this post is concentrated on my plans for the rest of the week!  Continue reading

Meal Planning: A Necessary Evil

I have a confession to make. I HATE meal planning.

Seriously, I hate it. It seems like it takes forever and more than half of the time I don’t even stick with the plan anyway. It just frustrates me and as a result I don’t like spending the time to do it.

But with the Whole30 starting tomorrow, I HAVE to plan my meals. If it were a “regular diet” (meaning choices that I’m used to and not the restrictions for Whole30) it would be different. I could plan one day at a time and be okay. With this, I really have to plan ahead so I can shop and make sure I’m on top of everything. It will be way too easy to grab something off plan if I don’t map things out. In other words, if I fail to plan it really is like I’m planning to fail.

I don’t want to fail. I want this to be a success and for a few reasons… The first is that I’m hoping to get relief from my symptoms and just generally feel better. The second… well, I announced on facebook that I’m doing the challenge and I’ve told family, coworkers… I want to show them I can do it! Failure is not an option – thus meal planning is a necessary evil.

I actually started my meal plan last night with the help of some the Whole30 cheat sheets. I printed a shopping list, pantry guide, and the meal planning “meal map.” I also did some searches for “Paleo Meal Plans” to come up with templates and additional ideas. I also looked up the sale papers for Winn-Dixie and Whole Foods to see what was on sale this week. If I choose food items that are in season or on sale I will save more money so knowing what is on special each week is key.

Then I put it on paper. And yes, I drew out the name in the “style” of the Whole30 font/title design. I will admit, that was half me being artistic and half pure procrastination. I wrote out three meals for each day for the first four days (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). Even though I designated specific meals to specific days and times, it’s okay to mix and match within reason. I only did four days so far because I don’t want my produce to go bad and I will reevaluate my needs after a few days.

Here is what I have so far:

DAY 1: Wednesday, August 1st

3 egg omelet with veggies (bell peppers, onions, spinach)
1/4 cup blueberries
Green tea

ig Ass Salad (aka BAS)

I shamelessly stole this term from Mark Sisson at Mark’s Daily Apple. I’ve actually been making the BAS for a while and I love it! All you have to do is throw a few handfuls of mixed greens in a bowl with whatever fresh veggies (or even leftover cooked veggies) you have around, add some protein and your favorite dressing and you’re good to go! I pre-prep all my veggies, etc so all I have to do is throw my salad stuff in a bowl before I go to bed and grab it on the way out the door in the morning. Easy-peasy.

Grilled flank steak
Sliced tomatoes with olive oil and balsamic vinegar

DAY 2: Thursday, August 2nd

2 poached eggs
Sliced tomato
1/2 avocado

made with leftover steak from the night before 🙂

Chicken stir fry

DAY 3: Friday, August 3rd

Veggie frittata
Green tea

Leftover stir fry
Spinach salad w/ avocado

Damn Fine Chicken (recipe from Nom Nom Paleo)
Mixed veggies

DAY 4: Saturday, August 4th

Veggie frittata (leftovers from Friday)
1/2 avocado

Damn Fine Chicken leftovers

Grilled tuna

Like I said before, this meal plan isn’t set in stone. I’ve selected what I want to make, I’ve made my grocery list, and I will stock up on what I need. However, I will move meals around as needed. On Friday, I will reevaluate, check the local sale papers, and then plan meals for the next few days. In the meantime I will be posting daily updates about my Whole30 experience here.

Wow, I can’t believe it starts tomorrow! I’m kinda scared but also really excited! Time to get to the grocery store!


Next time on “Here We Go, Paleo!” – Whole30 Day 1