Hi There!

Hi, remember me? The blogger that promised to blog every day of her Whole30?

Erm, yeah – that obvious hasn’t happened. Please, let me explain…

The last day I blogged was Day 3. I was feeling the hangover majorly and had a touch of “kill all the things” as well. The next few days passed in a low-carb flu haze and work was busy so I forgot to blog. Then I got sick.

This did not happen my first Whole30 and I don’t know why it happened this time but I woke up last Thursday (about 3am) with the migraine from hell. I took my medicine, I took other medicine, but nothing worked. It was awful. And it lasted until about Sunday afternoon.

So, I couldn’t blog those days and then just kinda forgot until today when I was like “oh, shit – my blog!”

Oops 😦

So I’m back and I’m sorry. I won’t be back blogging the days I missed, mostly because they have passed in a blur and I just don’t have the time – but I will be blogging from here forward. Thankfully I’m feeling better (and hoping that will hold!) so I think I can commit to that for real this time. 😉